
From strategy to action: How ZEISS IQS raised its presence in Baja California

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Home / Our Work / From strategy to action: How ZEISS IQS raised its presence in Baja California


Considering that Baja California, especially Tijuana, stands as one of the most important and promising markets for the manufacturing sector, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions (ZEISS IQS), a manufacturer of multidimensional metrology solutions and a division of the leading multinational in optical technology, ZEISS, decided to establish its third Quality Excellence Center in that city. This center of excellence in metrology is designed to provide support and solutions to industries requiring strict measurement and inspection requirements for their components, such as manufacturers of medical devices and aerospace components.


Facing the task of standing out in a strategic market where both laboratories and production areas require multidimensional metrology solutions and quality inspection for precise and reliable measurements, ZEISS IQS needed to ensure brand exposure at various touchpoints. This exposure focused on generating brand awareness, consideration, and visibility around the offerings of its Quality Excellence Center.


To tackle this challenge, InfoSol implemented a public relations program based on an integrated communication campaign (PESO model). This campaign aimed to maximize the inauguration event of the Tijuana Quality Excellence Center and, simultaneously, highlight ZEISS’s technological thought leadership.

The objective of employing the PESO model of PR (owned-earned-shared-paid media) was to maximize reach and exposure, continuously reaching potential ZEISS IQS customers in Baja California and northern Mexico through various touchpoints where they consume content. Maximizing brand reach and exposure would optimize the budget invested in the PR campaign.

  • Owned Media: Prior to the event, SEO-optimized content was created emphasizing the importance of precision and quality control in component manufacturing for the medical and aerospace sectors. Additionally, two brand success stories were selected for dissemination to foster consideration of ZEISS IQS.

  • Earned Media: To establish credibility, trust, and visibility for ZEISS IQS, SEO-optimized content was disseminated to media outlets prior to the event. This included two success stories and thought leadership was promoted through 1:1 interviews with business media journalists.

    Furthermore, local journalists from Tijuana were invited to cover the event, along with journalists, bloggers, and organic micro-influencers with regional presence covering metrology, health, manufacturing, and business topics, with whom interviews were conducted during the event.

    After the inauguration, a 4.0 press release, an evolved form of traditional press releases, was sent to media outlets. This release, designed as part of a broader content marketing strategy, was optimized for SEO, and aimed to engage current and potential customers as well as niche digital influencers.

  • Shared Media: To amplify the visibility of the Quality Excellence Center’s inauguration, valuable multimedia content was shared in real-time with media outlets, journalists on social media, associations representing key sectors for ZEISS IQS, and specialized groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. This tactic, coupled with hashtag and keyword strategies, aimed to insert the brand into social conversations.

  • Paid Media: Paid media efforts promoted event coverage through a coordinated strategy with two influencers possessing contextual credibility, reach, salesmanship, and specialization in business. Activities such as interviews and real-time event coverage were conducted on their social platforms, notably LinkedIn, X, and even TikTok, to engage with the brand’s collaborators.

    The use of B2B influencers in the PR strategy was crucial for campaign success. The credibility and trust gained through association with these experts would lead to a stronger connection with the target business audience and enhance ZEISS’s presence in the market. Moreover, the extended reach would allow for effective visibility among relevant companies and professionals.


Over a 90-day period, the integrated communication-focused PR campaign yielded significant results in terms of brand awareness, visibility, and reach for ZEISS IQS, strengthening its thought leadership in industrial metrology.

traditional and digital earned media
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placements enhanced brand recognition, visibility, and positioned ZEISS IQS as a thought leader in its industry.

media mentions and shares on social media

expanded brand reach, increasing visibility and awareness.

organic reach,
1 K+

exposing users to ZEISS IQS content shared by media and journalists on social media, enhancing awareness and potential conversion opportunities.

1 K+

(likes, shares, comments) with earned media content shared on social media by media, journalists, and micro-influencers, fostering strong brand relationships, measuring content strategy success, and improving long-term reputation.

website referral clicks
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to ZEISS IQS website from online earned media and organic influencer marketing efforts, creating conversion opportunities.

Regarding the paid media influencer marketing strategy:

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across various social media platforms used by influencers to connect with their community improved brand awareness for ZEISS IQS and its Quality Excellence Center.

1 K+

on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and one influencer’s blog crucially expanded content reach and brand reputation.

people reached
1 K+

with content posted about the Quality Excellence Center opening on social media, increasing potential customer attraction.

clicks to the ZEISS website,
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bolstering website referral traffic from social media and paid influencer content.

Note: The results of this PR project span a 90-day period.