
Public Relation

Designing Strategies for Extraordinary Impact

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With public relations services, organizations can maximize their impact and achieve exceptional results, building a strong presence in the market.

Traditional and digital Public Relations campaigns offer unique benefits that can make a difference in an organization’s marketing strategy. These campaigns enable quick and effective awareness by leveraging a variety of channels, ensuring the message reaches a broad and diverse audience. By incorporating social media platforms, these campaigns provide heightened visibility, generating consistent exposure for your brand.

PR is an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to stand out in a competitive market. By combining the best of traditional and digital, public relations services (PR), offer awareness, visibility, and positioning that drive growth and sustainable brand recognition in the digital age and beyond.

How do we achieve this?

Integrated Communication

Leveraging the PESO model, we deliver a cohesive message that resonates with your company's value proposition in different touchpoints to maximize visibility and provide a unified experience.
Ícono servicios Relaciones Públicas Optimizadas

Traditional and Digital Public Relations

We cultivate strong media relationships and enhance brand visibility online.

Marketing 360

We integrate messages, segment audiences, amplify strategies, and optimize customization to enhance the effectiveness and reach of campaigns.

Optimized Content Marketing

Through Off-Page SEO and link-building strategies and storytelling we optimize content so that our clients can effectively communicate their messages while captivating and engaging their target audience, improving rankings on search engines, and driving discoverability.
Ícono servicio Marketing de Influencia

Influencer Marketing

Through strategic alliances, we establish authentic relationships with key influencers in your industry to amplify visibility and reach new audiences.
Ícono servicio Gestión de Crisis de Comunicación

Crisis Communication Management

We manage potential risk situations, preserving the company's positive public perception.

Our Goal

Partnering with InfoSol offers public relations services and a multitude of benefits, thanks to the seamless integration of diverse strategies and our expertise. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Amplified product/service visibility and differentiation
  2. Increased brand discoverability
  3. Elevated organic brand positioning
  4. Fostered long-lasting relationships
  5. Vigilant brand reputation management
  6. Integrated and customized campaigns
  7. Demand generation via earned media
  8. Enhanced internal company relationships
  9. Value addition for your customers

Contact us and let us demonstrate how we can take
your business to the next level.


The best public relations agencies are those that understand your communication needs, demonstrate the effectiveness of their efforts with actionable metrics, and maximize your investment. A good PR agency helps to increase brand awareness, expand visibility among audiences, and achieve recognition with the help of a multidisciplinary team, positioning the brand in today's competitive market. Partnering with a local PR agency in Mexico, offers invaluable advantages from cultural relevant and local market insights to established media relationships and regulatory expertise.

Some of the services offered by public relations agencies to improve a company's reputation, visibility, and connection with its target audience include: Developing coherent and effective communication strategies to achieve the organization’s PR goals, managing relationships with media, journalists, and influencers, engaging with key stakeholders, crisis management, social media management, brand events and activations, content development, monitoring, and analysis.

It is appropriate hiring a PR agency can be a strategic move for many businesses when seeking to improve visibility, manage reputation crises, launch a new product or service, expand media and social media presence, gain credibility, trust, and authority in your industry with current and potential customers.

It is a company that offers a complete range of integrated communication services under a unified and seamless experience, including: Traditional and digital public relations, digital marketing, B2B/B2C influencer marketing, comprehensive event amplification, crisis communication management, and advertising. This multidisciplinary approach allows for coherent and effective communication across all touchpoints.

Public relations are measured using quantitative and qualitative metrics such as media coverage, share of voice, brand awareness, referral traffic, and engagement, based on established objectives to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of public relations for the business.

When evaluating a service, the price should not be the determining factor, but rather the perceived value in the cost-benefit relationship, a successful campaign stands out for the quality, effectiveness, and satisfaction it provides to the target audience. Hiring a PR agency is a more cost-effective option due to their experience, media connections, and access to advanced tools, avoiding significant internal investments.