
Media Training

Unleash Your Brand's Voice

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At InfoSol, we empower you to amplify your brand’s message through our VOICE® program – media training for spokespearsons. Our approach combines immersive learning with practical simulations, equipping you to deliver your brand’s messages professionally and confidently while addressing audience inquiries.

What will you achieve with this Spokesperson training?

  • Transform visionary concepts into market opportunities.

  • Respond with fresh insights, leaving stakeholders eager to learn more.

  • Establish brands and their leaders as authorities and industry references, connecting with both traditional and digital communication channels.

  • Enhance credibility, visibility, and trust among stakeholders, solidifying your brand’s reputation.

  • Build a bank of trust as an impenetrable shield in crisis situations.

  • Humanize your brand and cultivate stronger relationships with existing stakeholders.

Dive into our media training program, a catalyst that has honed the skills of over 600 executives.

Unleash your brand's voice and
make an impact today.

VOICE™ Program


Media training, also known as spokesperson training, is a program aimed at individuals who need to interact with media, journalists, reporters, or other professionals as part of their job. Through proven processes, it maximizes communication skills and techniques to ensure successful interactions (media interviews, visibility forums, client meetings, etc.). This type of training is usually personalized and provided by experts in communication and public relations.

In a media training, spokespersons learn to communicate and articulate the company's key messages, handle difficult questions and sensitive topics, follow corporate communication guidelines, control verbal and non-verbal language, and interact with different audiences. Common activities during media training include theoretical sessions, practical exercises, feedback, and improvement; the goal is to ensure participants feel prepared for any speaking opportunities, effectively protecting their and the organization’s image.

To be a good spokesperson, a combination of clear and persuasive communication skills and in-depth knowledge of the topic is required, along with the ability to genuinely connect with the audience. It is crucial to prioritize and understand the three pillars of communication (key messages, corporate communication guidelines, and sensitive issues), as well as the ability to handle unforeseen situations. A well-prepared spokesperson has the potential to leverage forward-thinking through their thought leadership.

The spokesperson should prepare in advance, know the key messages to communicate, anticipate possible difficult questions, maintain a professional and transparent attitude during interviews, constantly train and self-evaluate. It is essential to stay informed, adapt, and ensure that the organization’s image and public perception are managed proactively, coherently, and professionally.