
In case of a power outage…

Industry: IT

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Making the most of home office and home schooling, we helped Cyberpower initialize the evangelization and discoverability of electrical protection devices.

The Plan

Relaunching a company is never easy, especially while a global pandemic puts all major activities to stall. To create a high-impact storytelling, we developed multimedia / multiplatform content optimized with query relevant keywords that matched search intent and backlinks to prop discoverability driving interactions to engage current and potential customers.

Newsjacking the new normal to work and study at home, we deployed a Traditional and Digital PR campaign – the perfect match for off- page SEO actions to impact rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs), and raised awareness on the need to protect electrical home devices and how to achieve energy savings in domestic consumption derived from home office and home schooling.

In parallel, to command attention of B2B markets and the media, on CyberPower Data Center solutions, an event 4.0 was held, highlighting the importance of business continuity and an energy protection plan for critical mission infrastructures during the journey to digital transformation for the new normal. The event attracted 10 media / organic influencers attendees and 18k social reach through Digital PR.

Through quality backlinks, and hashtag strategies to reinforce discoverability (inbound marketing), CyberPower’s powerful messages were amplified –as an expert voice, designer and manufacturer of high-quality line of award-winning power solutions and the value it provides to its markets-, and highlighted to what makes CyberPower unique through its competitive differentiators, boosting eWOM / buzz marketing and its owned media was nurtured reinforcing its on-page SEO.


Accesses to website


Through the link building strategy in earned media / organic micro influencers / Digital PR.

Off-Page SEO Strategy

Interactions / Engagement
+ 1
  • Driven by media and journalists’ social media posts.

  • Propelled by organic micro influencers’ promotion strengthening the bond between the brand and current and potential customers.

  • Incentivized by the hashtag strategy, increasing brand awareness, and visibility, stimulating the creation of a community.
Quality online coverage
+ 1 %

Props discoverability (inbound marketing) -valuable earned media, quality backlinks from authoritative media outlets and query relevant keywords that match search intent.

Brand Awareness

Quality print coverage
+ 1 %

Opportunity to be seen in media outlets who have the power of the tangible to create impact, establish an emotional connection and improve recall.  Campaigns are most effective when print is used with an integrated approach, increases ROI, and engenders greater trust, relevance, reliability, and authority.

Nota: Es importante tener en cuenta que los resultados detallados en este esfuerzo de relaciones públicas tuvieron una duración de 30 días.