Public Relations

InfoSol in the Top 10 Public Relations Agencies in Mexico for over a decade

A consecutive decade as a Top 10 Public Relations Agency in Mexico.

July 23, 2022

As a result of digital innovation and creativity, Merca2.0 one of the most recognized publications in the marketing industry, placed InfoSol in their Top Ten Ranking of Public Relations Agencies 2022  for a consecutive decade.

“Once again we are honored to be recognized for over ten years, especially given the challenging scenario that companies have gone through these years of pandemic,” said Hector M. Meza, General Manager InfoSol. ” Receiving this recognition reflects our continuous innovation and the pursuit of excellence of our associates, essential factors to ‘ride the storm’.

Public Relations in constant evolution

With over 30 years of telling brand stories, at InfoSol we strive to continuously innovate our service offerings to adapt to shifting trends of how audiences get informed. Here’s a sample of those shifts:

In 2018, we jumped on the wagon of PR digitalization, creating our Digital PR area, to expand our clients’ visibility through web, blogs, social networks, organic influencer marketing; generating buzz marketing and drive our clients’ eWOM (word of mouth).

Two years later, we adopted the traditional Blended Media Model, and making integrated communications in public relations strategies to amplify clients’ results, ensuring brand consistency across all channels, and provide greater business value to their investment.

Our strong bet on public relations with SEO at the forefront (on-page SEO), Optimized PR, has shown beneficial results for our clients in 2021. In 2022, we strengthened this with link building strategies to increase our clients’ search engine rankings.

“We are convinced that SEO and link building strategies are two crucial elements that determine the success of any online business, especially in these times when the customer journey starts with a click, and today PR plays a crucial role of a good marketing”, added Meza. “These innovations that seek to improve our services have been key to remain competitive in the market,” concluded our General Director.

InfoSol Consulting Team


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