Public Relations

8 important benefits that Public Relations field provides to organizations

Discover the significance and purpose of public relations in organizations.

September 19, 2023

Why are public relations important and what are their purposes in organizations?

In a world where trust and reputation are crucial for any organization’s success, traditional and digital public relations play a vital role. Regardless of a company’s size or industry, public relations are indispensable for generating and fostering customer trust.

In the current digital era, businesses must leverage a variety of channels to build their brand reputation and increase visibility. This is where traditional and digital public relations come into play as two essential components of a successful strategy. These strategies enable organizations to emotionally connect with their audience through storytelling, reaching a wider public through digital channels and media coverage.

In today’s environment, what you do, say, and what others say about your organization plays a crucial role in achieving long-term success. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate optimized public relations into marketing and communication efforts to drive business outcomes and strengthen reputation. The scope of public relations has evolved, encompassing not only media relations but also earned, shared, owned, and paid media, an integrated communication all connected through actionable KPIs.

What is Public Relations?

Public relations are part of an integrated communication strategy that focuses on the strategic management of relationships between an organization or institution and its various target audiences. While public relations have transformed over the years, their main purpose remains unchanged, ensuring coveted media exposure and reaching new audiences.

The way a brand secures that exposure is where things have changed. The ways of being heard, seen, and discovered in a crowded market evolve as public relations trends transform.

What has been happening is a game that must be played with new rules. Public relations strategies that worked as recently as a year ago are often not as effective today, condensing five years of innovations into one. This is why the importance of public relations will further grow in the future, as they are a fundamental part of an integrated communication process and an important component of a marketing strategy.

Traditional Public Relations: The Art of Storytelling

Traditional public relations focus on the art of storytelling to influence the perception of a company and gain the audience’s trust in a competitive market. Public relations have demonstrated their ability to shape opinions and foster behavioral changes through various media, such as print, television, or film.

Their foundation: Storytelling

Although the foundation of public relations remains compelling storytelling, the landscape has undergone a profound transformation. New practices such as event marketing, innovative product launches, provocative initiatives, thought leadership, and influencer marketing have been incorporated. Adopting fresh and dynamic approaches is key to the success of a public relations campaign today.

Despite changes in delivery methods, the essence and importance of public relations remain fundamental. Compelling stories are still powerful, and the ability to tell them effectively remains a determining factor in the success of public relations. In an ever-evolving environment, public relations will continue to evolve while maintaining their power to influence and connect with the audience through the art of storytelling.

Digital Public Relations: Unleashing Its Power in the Online World

In a technology-driven era with a wide range of communication channels, the landscape of public relations has undergone a transformation. Digital public relations have emerged as an integral field that transcends boundaries, seamlessly integrating digital platforms, advertising, marketing, and more.

Boost your brand’s growth

Digital PR serves as a catalyst to take your business to new heights, rapidly increase your brand’s visibility, create a strong online presence, and make your brand discoverable. It transforms your digital presence by capitalizing on new communication strategies and tactics, leveraging the power of multimedia and multi-platform content, new technologies, the dynamic landscape of social media, and fostering bidirectional conversations.

Digital PR seamlessly combines earned media, including off-page SEO strategies, optimized content marketing, influencer marketing, link building, and the increasing reach of social media. Adopting these tools is key to evolving your business.

Optimized PR emerges as a true game-changer for your comprehensive marketing strategy, enabling impactful communication and strengthening your brand while delivering a good return on investment.

Discover in this story how this approach can help you seize opportunities.

What are the benefits of Public Relations?

These are the eight key benefits of public relations that will help your organization be heard, seen, and discovered, creating a good reputation among your audiences, and driving positive actions towards your brand.

#1- Increase visibility for your products or services

When you advertise, you essentially highlight your brand’s value proposition (you tell your audience how good it is). With PR, a trusted third party, whether a reporter, influencer, or customer, sings your praises. You gain exposure by doing something valuable or being a useful source on a topic that traditional and digital communication channels are interested in. It says more about your brand when a third party is interested in what you are doing and in your story.

One of the greatest benefits of public relations is that they, through trusted third parties, boost your company’s image and positively influence perception, credibility, trust, and connection with your audiences. They generate bidirectional conversations, creating an emotional bond.

Every organization has amazing stories to tell, whether it’s how it started, how its products or services help solve specific customer problems, or how it evolves according to the latest buying trends.

Through traditional and digital channels, public relations help companies put those stories in front of different generations of buyers, where they see, read, and listen to them, consuming the information in their preferred way to increase visibility and achieve engagement.

#2- Make your brand discoverable

Considering that most consumers nowadays begin their buying journey using a search engine, the role of public relations becomes increasingly relevant in maximizing the discoverability of valuable and useful brand content.

The term “discoverability” refers to the practice of facilitating your target audience’s ability to find valuable and authoritative content from your brand when they are seeking answers to their needs in that micro-moment. If they like what they find, they will explore further and potentially become your customers.

In this sense, public relations have been optimized through Off-Page SEO strategies to accompany the buyer throughout different stages of their journey, supporting brand discovery through properly optimized content at the right time and place.

#3- Enhance your brand’s organic positioning

Undoubtedly, one of the ongoing questions that captivate you is: how to become a thought leader in your markets? And, undoubtedly, you know that it requires building credibility and bringing your organization’s expertise and knowledge into the spotlight. That is precisely what public relations do for your brand through tools that include content marketing, blogs, talks, social media interactions, and more.

SEO and content marketing have become essential in the world of digital marketing and public relations to engage key audiences with authoritative content that captures their attention and prompts them to act. SEO involves a series of strategies to improve the organic positioning of such content in search engine results.

The role of public relations in boosting marketing activities by generating high-quality content, increasing the visibility of earned, owned, and contributed content, reaching current and potential customers at all stages of the purchasing funnel, establishing brand expertise, authority, and trust, and a very important element: driving high-quality traffic, is undeniable.

#4- Build lasting relationships

An effective and well-structured public relations plan can yield great rewards. It allows companies to create meaningful connections with their audiences, build credibility and authority within their industry, and ultimately lead to increased sales over time.

In addition to telling your business stories and helping convey your messages, public relations aim to connect with your current customers in a way that informs and engages them with your brand, optimizing the use of your products or services. This ongoing bidirectional communication helps your organization establish strong and continuous relationships with the people who matter.

Today, people have easy access to a wide variety of businesses and content. Consumers want to trust the brands they do business with, making public perception more important than ever. Public relations help build strong relationships, increase brand credibility, and establish a reputation.

#5- Manage your brand’s online reputation

Crises happen, but if you have identified them by preparing timely responses, potential damage to your brand’s image can be minimized. Preparing your spokespersons for interviews, developing key messages aligned with the brand, conducting social listening to media coverage, and responding to negative comments are all public relations activities that help you manage and maintain a good reputation – what you do, what you say, and what others say about you.

Currently, most crises start on social platforms, making reputation management essential by incorporating digital public relations campaigns to promote content that positively emphasizes an organization’s image. Digital public relations help give greater visibility to the right messages to a larger number of relevant people in the right place, creating a stronger brand reputation and providing a robust shield to minimize potential brand image damage – essential in a communication crisis – to maintain customer loyalty, continue attracting customers, and turn the crisis into an opportunity for positive communication.

#6- Help generate demand through earned media

Earned media is a fundamental component of optimized public relations strategies and, consequently, of an intelligent marketing and communication strategy because it helps you reach potential customers, maintain loyalty among current ones, and increase sales.

Earned media is a form of buzz marketing that amplifies brand awareness and visibility through public and customer comments, social media interactions, influencer and journalist referrals, recommendations from brand ambassadors, and other unpaid promotional efforts.

#7- Boost morale

Public relations are not just about external appearances but also about benefiting internal relationships within the company. When a company’s reputation begins to falter for any reason, employees can become demoralized, their productivity may decrease, and they may start looking for opportunities elsewhere.

Part of the PR’s work is managing employee morale and maintaining a positive perception of your company, even when times get tough. This is undoubtedly one of the many benefits that public relations can provide to your brand.

#8- Add value through your own customers

Finally, something very valuable is customers who are willing to directly speak to communication channels on your behalf through success stories or testimonials. Having a neutral third party highlight your benefits, especially a customer, makes it much more credible to the public than a spokesperson from your company.

Your markets want evidence that your products and/or services deliver what you promise. The same applies to communication channels when determining if a source is a good reference for their stories – a crucial element of any PR strategy.

No matter how amazing your product/solution is, you always need evidence to capture the audience’s interest among the many options available in the market. By integrating your own customers into your public relations strategies and tactics, you are also putting them in the spotlight. It’s a win-win situation!

How to create a successful Integrated Communication campaign?

Integrated PR communication is an approach that creates a unified and seamless experience for consumers to interact with the brand. This strategy merges owned, earned, shared, and paid media through a combination of tactics, methods, channels, media, and activities to work as a single force. Each type of media in an integrated communication plan has different purposes. It is important to identify the goals of each one, cultivate balance, measure them, and ensure they are profitable.

This approach is important because, in a world where digital presence puts power in the hands of buyers, your brand needs to be present at all touchpoints throughout your customers’ buying journey. Today, there is no single platform or channel to learn more about a brand.

Now, the big question: what PR metrics are recommended to demonstrate their value?

There is no single widely accepted method for measuring the value of PR. Vanity metrics in traditional public relations have lost relevance in the current communication landscape. These metrics often do not offer a complete understanding of the impact and effectiveness of PR efforts. However, some traditional PR metrics can still be valuable when used in conjunction with actionable metrics.

There are several sources proposing different metrics, so I recommend focusing on key actionable performance metrics related to the campaign’s objectives. These metrics help demonstrate the impact of optimized public relations on your business success:

  • Amplify brand awareness
  • Create strategies for the future
  • Improve tactics
  • Identify potential errors
  • Take PR strategies to the next level

In today’s communication environment, the way brands are heard, seen, and discovered in a crowded market continues to evolve. Applying optimized PR intelligently will help your organization be heard, seen, and discovered, creating a good reputation and positive response between your brand and your audiences.

If you have a good and intelligent PR strategy to achieve the above, whether implemented in-house or through a PR agency, your key audiences should feel that you are informing, educating, supporting, and entertaining them, rather than just selling. This makes it feel more natural. But make sure your product/service is in top shape before allocating resources to tell your stories through PR.

Click here to start enjoy the benefits of PR.

Hector M. Meza


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